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Heritage Reports

If your property is a heritage item then you might be required to submit a heritage report with your Development Application to Council. This report is usually referred to as a Statement of Heritage Impact or a Heritage Impact Statement. A Statement of Heritage Impact is also required when making an application to NSW Heritage for a State listed heritage item.

Statements of Heritage Impact (SoHI)

The SoHI report will explain why the property is considered to have heritage value and then it will make an assessment of how the proposed alterations or additions will affect that heritage value.

The length of the report is determined by the complexity of the changes in the proposed works and the importance of the property.

The cost of the report is also influence by the amount of available information about the place because this influences the time needed to spend on research. For example some Councils may have very limited information available about why the property was made a heritage item.

Conservation Management Plan

Another document that might be requested by Council, or the Heritage Council if it is listed on the State Heritage Register, is a Conservation Management Plan.

The purpose of this document is to guide the conservation of a place by providing good management recommendations based upon the heritage values of the place. This report is a very useful management tool as it can help with decision making about new development on the site and appropriate uses. It will tell you which are the most important parts of the buildings and landscape and which are the least important; helping determine if there is scope for adaptation or demolition of elements.

Waterview Wharf Workshops Adaptive Re-use
Statement of Heritage Impact – Ocean Beach Hotel

Steele Point Cottage - Sydney Harbour NP